Council of Equal Opportunities Officers
The Council of Equal Opportunities Officers is a committee made up of the central Equal Opportunities Officer, the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers and the Gender Mainstreaming Officer as coordinator of the Council. The committee serves the exchange and mutual support as well as the processing of current problems and challenges in the university's gender equality work.
The office of the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer
In the faculties, institutions, schools and administration of Leibniz University Hannover, decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers represent their respective subject or organizational areas on a voluntary basis. The decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers support the central Equal Opportunities Officer in fulfilling her equal opportunities mandate.
In accordance with §2 and §3 of the election regulations for the election of Equal Opportunities Officers at Leibniz University Hannover, the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers and their deputies are elected for two years. Professors, lecturers, academic staff, technical and administrative staff and students can hold this office.
Tasks of the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer
The tasks of the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers are defined in the NHG § 42, the NHH and the circular no. 43/2015 of Leibniz University Hannover. In particular, the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers are involved in recruitment procedures and must be involved in
- Appointment procedures
- Permanent positions in every salary and grade group
- Appointments as civil servants
- Promotions within the civil service

30167 Hannover


30167 Hannover