Equality of Women and Men

Equal Opportunities Office supports the Leibniz University  Hannover in its legal mandate to actively promote equal opportunities for women and men and to compensate for existing disadvantages.

Legal foundations of the work on equality are Article 3, especially paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as Section 42 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act, the Lower Saxony Equal Opportunities Act, and the Federal General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

In its mission statement, the university has committed itself to promoting the competencies of women and men in all areas. The primary goal here is to increase the proportion of women in those areas in which they are underrepresented. This refers both to increasing the proportion of women professors among professorships and to increasing the proportion of women among employees as a whole in the higher salary and grade groups.

The University's Gender Equality Plan is intended to contribute to the establishment of equal opportunities. It is updated every four years and documents the changes, measures and successes in equal opportunities work.

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