ChancenVielfalt Family Service
Nursing areas & parent-child offices

Family Rooms

Toddler reading a book Toddler reading a book Toddler reading a book © Lina Kivaka_Pexels

Nursing, rest, study and work rooms for families

Many institutes and facilities provide special rooms for pregnant and nursing students and employees and parents to help them better reconcile work/study and family life. At Leibniz Universität there are nursing and rest rooms, study and recreation rooms and parent-child offices.

On this page you can find where, which rooms can be found at the university.

Would you like to set up a room and have questions or need support? Simply contact us: 

Nursing and rest areas for expectant mothers

Study and work rooms for families

  • Conti Campus

    Eltern-Kind-Arbeitsraum am TIB-Standort Conti Campus
    Königsworther Platz 1B, 30167 Hannover
    Gebäude 1504 | Raum 138
    The key can be obtained at the information desk.

Parent-child offices