Here students and employees can find information on changing their first name and gender in Leibniz University's data and systems. The information is updated and added to on an ongoing basis.
Advice & Contact
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Information on the Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz)
What is regulated in the Self-Determination Act (SBGG)?
Gender and first names can be easily changed at the registry office (Standesamt) in the future. This requires a ‘declaration with self-assurance’. In this declaration, you declare that the chosen gender entry or the deletion of the gender entry best corresponds to your gender identity and that you are aware of the consequences of this step. The declaration also determines your future first names.
The Self-Determination Act replaces the 40-year-old Transsexuals Act (TSG). Previously, two expert opinions had to be submitted for a change of first name and gender and a court procedure was necessary. This process was expensive, lengthy, humiliating and externally determined. Now, the person's self-disclosure at the registry office is sufficient for a legal change.
Advice for colleagues, fellow students & superiors
If a colleague, student, fellow student or member of staff has their name and gender entry changed, there is sometimes uncertainty as to how this should be handled. Please always use the person's new name and preferred pronouns, even if they are not present. If you have known the person for a long time, this may be difficult for you and you may address the person by their old name in the initial phase - this is completely normal. Be respectful, correct what has been said and apologise. If you are unsure, it is recommended that you address the person directly and ask for the desired pronouns, for example. As role models for their teams, supervisors should be particularly sensitive to this issue - in any case, we recommend a confidential discussion with the employee in which you clarify their needs.
- Trans welcome: Informationen für Arbeitgebende. Coming-outs von trans Personen am Arbeitsplatz
- Trans sensibel: Wichtige Begriffe kurz und verständlich erklärt
- Lilli: Wie verhalte ich mich respektvoll im Kontakt mit trans Personen?