Charta der Vielfalt
© Charta der Vielfalt
Charta der Vielfalt is the largest organisation in Germany that covers the Diversity of people within companies and universities. Leibniz University Hannover signed Charter der Vielfalt in 2013 to implement further goals regarding Diversity.
Leibniz University Hannover takes part in various campaigns and the nationwide Diversity Days. Here you can read about past activities:
Universities against xenophobia
Leibniz University Hannover is part of the initiative "Weltoffene Hochschulen - gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit" (Universities against xenophobia) of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK). The University is against all forms of discrimination and xenophobia and welcomes people of all backgrounds.
Bündnis Farbenspiel
In 2018 the Equal Opportunities Office signed the sports alliance “Bündnis Farbenspiel”. The University Sports Department of Leibniz University co-initiated the alliance. Its goal is to create a climate of acceptance and tolerance towards gender and sexual diversity in sports.
Working group Racism and Discrimination
Student representatives of the Faculty of Humanities have set themselves the goal to counter racism. For this objective the working group “AG Rassismusbedingte Diskriminierung” was founded, where students, professors and faculty staff work together to combat racism and discrimination. The Diversity Management of Leibniz University is part of the working group as well.
Network Diversity at universities
Since 2016 the Diversity Management of Leibniz University is part of the nationwide “Netzwerk Diversity an Hochschulen” (Network Diversity at universities). Within this network employees work together to promote strategies in regards to Diversity and Anti-Discrimination at German universities.
Network gender and diversity within teaching
Since 2020 the Diversity Management of Leibniz University is a member of “Netzwerk Gender und Diversity in der Lehre“ (Network gender and diversity within teaching). The network consists of employees who work within university teaching in the areas gender and diversity. It serves as a platform for information exchange, networking and strategical co-working.
Arbeitsgruppe Vielfalt im Dialog erleben
The Diversity Management of Leibniz University is part of the working group “Vielfalt im Dialog“, which offers the event series "Vielfalt im Dialog erleben". The event aims to promote exchange about the topic Diversity within society and is held several times a year.
The Diversity Management is a member of the network Hannoverschen Diversity-Netzwerks (HaDi). The HaDi-network aims to bring together human resources managers from economy, politics and administration, labour unions and associations. The network aims to promote exchange about the topic Diversity Management.