How do other fathers manage the balancing act between family tasks and (academic) work? How do I get into conversation and play with my children? How can I create space for myself and recharge my batteries?
There will be a short talk over coffee and cake. The relaxed exchange between fathers will be complemented by helpful strategies for action and communication.
You are welcome to bring your children along!
- First meeting: 13th June 2023
14:00 - 16:00
focus "I'm so bored...! - Getting into play with children" - The two following dates and topics are chosen by the group.
The meeting starts at the Equal Opportunites Office. Weather permitting, the exchange can also take place outside.
Focus group:
- Fathers at Leibniz University, with their children
- fathers to be are welcome
Nils Seiler, Vater, Dozent und Coach für Elternthemen aus Berlin
For questions and registration, please contact Joana Rieck: info@chancenvielfalt.uni-hannover.de
We are happy to support you: Please tell us your individual needs.